Followings are links for files presented in the Workshop on Life Cycle Assessment Research in Indonesia:
- Analyzing Policy Alternatives for Sustainability of Biofuel Through Agent Base Model_Dr. Yosef Manik_new
- Biogas Application Impact in Developing Rural Area_Badariah Yosiyana_new
- Case Study on LCA of Plastic Shoe Rack Using Injection Molding Machine_Sharah Yunihar S_new
- Comparing Biodiesel Production Using LCA Review_Dr. Rosmeika_new
- Concept Development Indonesian LCI – Jessica Hanafi
- Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing Implementation and LCA_Gloria Kartikasari_new
- Feasibility Study on Value-based Co-creation and Life Style for A Society Based on A Virtous Material Cycle_Yahushiro Fukushima_new
- GHG Emission Estimation from Housesold SWM in Jakarta and Surabaya_Aprilia Aretha_new
- GHG Emission Reduction Through Palm Oil Mill Integrated Treatment_Julfi Restu Amalia
- Implementation of LCA on Catching Fishes Process and Production Processed Fishes_Dr. Wahyu Supartono_new
- LCA as Environmental Management Tools for Sustainable Industry_Tri Hendro Utomo_new
- LCA Energy Analysis and Its Impact for the Future Electicity Consumption_Dr. Nuki Agya Utama_new
- LCA in COCOA PRODUCTION_Budi Utomo_new LCA in Designing Green Product_Dr. Novizar Nazir_new
- LCA Research in Indonesia and ILCAN_Dr. Edi I Wiloso_new
- LCA in Designing Green Product_Dr. Novizar Nazir
- Life Cycle GHG Emission & Energy Consumption of Biodiesel in Aceh_Dr. Kiman Siregar_new
- Perspectives on LCA Application and Research in Thailand_Prof. Shabbir H Gheewala_new
- SCP, LCA, Publik, NAW_Noer Adi Wardojo_new
- The environmental impact of Palm Oil Products – Cecille Bessou