Followings are title of PhD dissertation on various LCA topics published by local universities, started from recent years and sorted by alphabetical name. To be listed, dissertation should contain the word “life cycle assessment” in the title, abstract, or keywords. We are still working to develop this list further. Should you are Indonesian and have dissertation on LCA, you may notify us to
- Fajar, R. Re-formulasi Biodiesel Jatropha Curcas L.: Optimasi Key-Properties Dengan Modifikasi Komposisi FAME (Fatty Acide Methyl Esters) dan Karakterisasi Pembakaran pada Motor Diesel (Re-formulation of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L.: Optimization of Key-Properties through Modification of FAME (Fatty Acide Methyl Esters) Composition and & Characterization of Combustion in Diesel Engine), Doctoral Dissertation, Universitas Indonesia, 2012. Abstract
- Gunamantha, I Made. Pengembangan model life cycle assessment untuk menganalisis indikator dampak lingkungan dari berbagai alternatif pengelolaan sampah untuk energi (Development of life cycle assessment model to analyze environmental impact indicators from various waste management alternatives for energy). Doctoral Dissertation, Gadjah Mada University, 2010. Abstract
- Nurhayati. Kinerja Rantai Pasok Dan Nilai Tambah Dengan Internalisasi Aspek Lingkungan Pada Agroindustri Ayam Ras Pedaging (Supply Chain Performance and Value Added with Internalization Environmental aspect on Broiler Agroindustry). Doctoral Dissertation, Bogor Agricultural University, 2013. Abstract
- Rosmeika. Kajian Teknologi Produksi Biodiesel Berbasis Minyak Sawit Berdasarkan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) dan Analisis Eksergi (Study Of Biodiesel Production Technologies From Palm Oil Based On Life Cycle Assessment (Lca) And Exergy Analysis). Doctoral Dissertation, Bogor Agricultural University, 2014. Abstract
- Santoso, A.D. Keberlanjutan biomassa mikroalga sebagai sumber energi ramah lingkungan (Kasus Perbandingan Perhitungan Analisis LCA existing dengan LCA modifikasi pada Produksi Biodiesel Mikroalga dan Kelapa Sawit) = Sustainability of algal biomass as a green energy source. University Of Indonesia. 2014. Abstract
- Siregar, K. Comparison of emission and energy for biodiesel production from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) and jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas L.) based on life cycle assessment (LCA) in Indonesia. Doctoral Dissertation, Bogor Agricultural University, 2013. Abstract